#Colours4Frontliners aims to bring motivational art produced by our children into as many hospitals as possibly across South Africa. It aims to brighten up the walls, fill the hearts and buoy the spirits of our frontliners – from cleaners, porters, security guards, doctors, nurses and the like … to name just a few of these special people.
We would like as many as possible schools and hospitals to participate. This is case of more can be so much better … and merrier! Join us in adding a “splash of colour & love” into our frontliners’ lives across all hospitals in South Africa.
We are really proud to be associated with this initiative. It was born and will be executed by a bunch of caring individuals. And hopefully, by a great many other South Africans feeling similarly to us.
We may all be struggling with pandemic fatigue, but there is surely still a bit of give in all of us, and especially via our children. Our children have the power to lift spirits, love openly and bring out the best in all of us. They have the power to motivate and inspire all of our frontliners when they need it most, which will be as they face the various waves still to come.
“Our frontliners” ….. I need to repeat that slowly in my head to fully internalize and remind myself of the enormity of what we are asking them to do in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic. These are the our people – our mothers & fathers, our brothers & sisters, our aunts, uncles, cousins and our friends. They wake up every morning and somehow find the wherewithal to brave a wholly different world than the rest of us. They turn up for work under the most grueling circumstances and are stretched beyond all physical and psychological limits. Yet, they still do it. They come to work and put their lives at risk every day for us.
#Colours4Frontliners is therefore calling on children of school-going age to create motivational A4 pieces of art with a single inspirational message (in any language) that we can distribute to hospitals all over South Africa. We want to cover the walls of hospitals with beautiful silver-linings for our frontliners.
It can be a simple “Siyabonga ko dokotela bethu” or “Please don’t give up!” or “Ons is lief vir julle!”. It can be a brief message of thanks to frontliners for taking care of our family members, or even messages encouraging patients to stay strong. Simply put, if it comes from the heart of a child, it’s probably going to be “just what the doctor ordered.”
As at the end of May 2021 we have already distributed over 5 000 pieces of art from over ±80 schools, church groups, cubs and scouts and other organizations from across South Africa. The art keeps on coming, which is so gratifying. We have spread the pieces across ± 80 state and private hospitals to date.
Just to reiterate, this is not falling under the Zebra Medical banner. Our involvement is that of donating logistics & project management. This is about individuals who care enough to do something positive and uplifting for others. There has never been an easier way to make a difference. Just put a pencil in a child’s hand. We will do the rest.